Welcome to Inner Arts Hive

Thriving, together.

About Us

The Inner Arts Collective is a community of individuals dedicated to helping people thrive. From counsellors and social workers to massage therapists and energy workers, together we create a healing hub for the new millennium, bringing health, positive energy, and personal development opportunities to each other, our communities and the planet.

The Inner Arts Hive has been created by our Members to bring together people committed to their physical-mental-emotional-spiritual growth, to cultivate the practices, habits and conscious relationships with themselves and others, so that we can all lead more embodied, resilient lives and create connected communities.Β 

Why You Should Join Us

It has become more important than ever to build online communities that foster growth and connection, and help us learn, collaborate, and support one another. In fact, online community development is a leading best practice for all organizations and businesses right now, and is emerging as a key to resilience and thriving for individuals, families, teams and communities. The Inner Arts Hive gives us all a supportive online community that we can tailor to our needs:

Some key benefits:

  • It's not facebook :) and its ours. Branded and tailored specifically to the IAC.
  • Peer Support for Practitioners - Wellness and self-development practitioners benefit from a private peer support system in the "practitioner circle", and also all of the other resources around self-care, resilience etc. that are available for everybody.
  • Peer Support for individuals and teams - the Hive can be a support system for clients, teams and families, giving them access to resources based on topics of interest and affinities they have in common with other Hivers. They can ask questions, find articles, and be in a community committed to thriving.
  • Exchange - all Hivers can post upcoming events, job opportunities, resources across a wide range of topic areas - anything that helps to build resilient communities. And we all get to benefit.
  • Build trust - In the absence of us meeting people of like mind and intention at events, conferences, and open houses...the Hive offers a supportive, safe space to get to know one another and build relationship.
  • The Hive has no geographic boundaries - we can support one another and others from anywhere in the world!